A New World >
The Second Album Songs:

1. You’re Still Beautiful 03:26
2. And If there’s More Love 03:53

3. Love Hate 02:57

4. I’m Losing You 03:12

5. After the Rain / Fire 02:37

6. The Rest Isn’t Important 03:09

7. The One That You Love 03:32

8. The Peak 03:09

9. Happy / Gay 03:46

10. A New World 03:11

World of Beauty >
The First Album Songs:

1. True that i’ve loved (Nacon Seahavti) 03:28

2. Masecet Mahsavot (Treasure of Thoughts) 02:37

3. The Life Without You (Hahaim Biladecha) 03:01

4. Touch (Nogea) 03:08

5. Slightly Different Man (Gever Tipa Shone) 03:34

6. World of Beauty (Olam sel Yofi) 03:52

7. Lonliness Knocking on my Door ( Bdidot Tofhachat al Dalti) 04:14

8. I Know ( Ani Yodea) 03:43

9. To Touch You ( Bach Ligoa) 03:56

10. You are Waiting (At Metzapa) 03:41

You can download songs from both albums on the cellular networks: OrangeCellcom and Pelephon

You can download songs from both albums also on: Amazon, itunes, emusic, CdBaby,  RhapsodySpotipy, bandcamp, etc…